CD + Manuale
Astro PC Base
– ASTRO-PC stands horoscopes for any date and all corners of the world. The ephemeris covering a time span that includes 12,000 years (Gregorian or Julian calendar) calculating horoscopes ranging from 4000 BC to 8000 AD, with an accuracy sufficient for the `interpretation.
– ASTRO-PC works with the Tropical Zodiac and the Sidereal. It has the ability to define the constellations of different sizes and a choice, to take account of Nutation.
Data entry:
This part of? ASTRO-PC is very accurate, and is rapid and complete.
– The summer hours envisaged relate to the whole world: more than 400 countries. The data are based on tests performed by F. Sheneider-Gauquelin. Therefore no concern regarding waste times.
– Thousands of geographical coordinates of cities around the world are already stored, avoiding going to look for them elsewhere.
– An infinite number of horoscopes can be saved and classified into different tabs (family, friends, etc..).
– More than 1300 horoscopes of famous personalities, divided by profession, are supplied from? ASTRO-PC.
Adaptable to the needs of each:
L? ASTRO-PC is useful to all astrologers and astrology because of all the schools? be modified according to your needs, thanks to the availability of more than 300 choices and options.
– A function allows you to work according to the habits of a dozen schools of astrology (humanist, sidereal, karmic, Indian, traditional …)
– Thirteen methods allow you to have `s horoscope on the screen as you want (eg: Ascending to the left, to the left Aries, Horoscopes Indian Themes square according to the tradition, Double zodiac, houses fixed, Mandala, outside the Zodiac, etc.).
– Ten methods of calculation of the planets (Aubier, Berthon, Volguine, RET, Indian …). are available, with the ability to change the master of the signs.
– Twenty-seven aspects: 5 major aspects, aspects of 16 children and 6 programmable aspects, with the indication `if` s appearance and soliciting or separating, if it is left or right is made available. Management? false waiting for? , Such as a quadrature between the 29? Ram and 1? degree of Leo, is not a “real” quadrature, since that happens between two Fire Signs and ASTRO-PC shows it in a different color. All aspects? inside of the rim or the possibility of them all? outside.
– Orbits changed in appearance (simplified method) or in appearance and planet (complete method).
– A choice between 5 Asteroids, Black Moon (True, Media and Correct), Black Sun, Moon’s Nodes (Real and Medium). Just tell the program what you want and it will appear in? horoscope with or without issues.
– Several Arab parties with the possibility to add more.
– Eleven house systems: Placidus, Regiomontanus, Campano, Koch, etc..
Birth charts as you want on your screen:
– The horoscopes can be obtained in full screen, or on two windows side by side, overlapping of two or three levels or mosaic. Possibility of Multiwindow and also that of zoom.
– The colors of most of the elements of? horoscope can be changed.
– The size of the planets, the zodiac, the characters and aspects is editable.
– The way you look on the screen of some elements can be changed thanks to? Use of a tablet.
– Themes birth, Solar Returns and Lunar Transits, Secondary Directions (Progressions), Directions Converse and Symbolic.
– Numerous other specific themes: Horoscope Corner (Gauquelin sectors), Horoscopes geocentric, heliocentric horoscope, Harmonics, Horary Astrology Horoscopes (with adjustable square), Horoscopes of Solar Revolution for each month Inputs solar and lunar New Moons advanced …
– Comparison of themes: comparative Horoscopes, Horoscopes Point Averages (I-Points), Medium spaces (Mi-Espace), Time Averages (Mi-Temps).
– Horoscopes clock to display on the screen the evolution of the transits in your natal chart with variable time step.
Geographical Maps:
Graphics cards and special help them understand and interpret `s horoscope:
– Azimuth Charter, Astrogeografiche Cards, Cards celestial sphere or flat graphics Cycles, Chains Planetary Planetary Forces and graphics.
ASTRO-PC will give you an impressive array of data including:
– Precise location of the planets in signs and houses (houses solar, lunar mansions, nakshatras or terms according to Ptolemy).
– Aspects classified or not. Parallel and declinations. Harmonic aspects and Tree Point Averages (I-points).
Astronomical data, data karmic points Medium (I-points), Eclipse, Arabic parts, Harmonics, Forces, Domitude, Distances in longitude, etc..
– A complete table will allow you to easily and quickly with a variety of tasks: a simple click with the mouse and the Solar Revolution appears next or the previous one at the time in question (or any other direction or Revolution), dynamic modification of the values of? horoscope on the screen, and so on.
– Functions compiled statistics allow you to perform a lot of research on the lists of horoscopes of famous people or others. Eg: percentage of the Sun in the 10th house of politicians, etc..
– The installation and configuration of the program is simple.
– The program comes with an instruction manual that contains the exercises. Are accessible on the aid complete.
– The data of horoscopes can be transferred to other programs with a simple copy-paste.
– The print quality with all printers in black and white or color.