Sentiero Rosacrociano n.8 Gennaio-Febbraio-Marzo 2007
December 2006 January February March 2007
Colors printed on quality paper.
Contents: Editorial: Spiritualism, mindfulness or illusion?; letter; The Grail, the vessel lost knowledge; The cross in the Heart; Asceticism in Hinduism; The animals have a soul?; A fatal flight; Carnival, Lent, Easter; euthanasia; The medical school of Salerno; The Holy Scriptures.
Prodotti Correlati
October November December 2009
Colors printed on quality paper.Contents: Editorial: The myth and history; Reincarnation; The man and his destiny; The death around the corner – surreal tale; Rosicrucian Alchemy; Relics: history, traditions, faith; Letters to the Editor; Astrology for health; The divine in the natal chart; 100 years of Cosmogony; Balance: a necessity; The experience of God
October November December 2010
Colors printed on quality paper.Contents: Editorial: The power of silence; Pinocchio: an esoteric history (Third Party); The talismans; The duality of the mind; Determinism and free will; The art of the drugs: the alchemical products at the dawn of the Pharmacopoeia; The Spring (poem); L `exercise of retrospection as a source of inner perfection; Secluded places, solitary, out of the world; Letters from a dead yet living (Part Four); L `helmet (short story); The karma, the transformation, the `astrology; L `astrology for children: Matilde – loneliness, sacrifice, family, and more; The spinal column; Treating patients during sleep; Bioethics and Freemasonry.
January February March 2014contents:
Articles: Editorial: The beauty and harmony; June 1633, when Galileo was forced to deny reality; Legend and symbolism of the Holy Grail; The composite identity of doctrine in the Scriptures of the New Testament – the second part; Dante and Islam; Nikolajevic Leo Tolstoy: thinker, moralist and novelist as well; Spirit and matter; Moral philosophy; Letters to the Editor; Stoicism; The unity and multiplicity; Unity of science in the human process; The Baha’i faith; Understand the economic crisis; Karma. -
January February March 2013contents:
Articles: Editorial: Envy, phenomenon of our time; Origin and development of the Thousand and One Nights; The life and death; The doctrine of reincarnation in the Divine Comedy; The absurd logic of Leibniz in reference to God; Zarathustra; The phoenix; The cremation of the body; The religion of the Germans and the Vikings; Notes scientific and esoteric considerations on foods; Letters to the Editor; The Word and silence; The Zodiac key to evolution; Heal themselves; The Passover of Jesus in the scriptures: similarities and differences. -
July August September 2013contents:
Editorial: Luxury and wealth; Rosicrucian Manifestos from the historical work of Frances Yates; The life and works of Alberto Spadolini; Mosaic Law in the New Testament Scriptures; The REEDOM and immortality; The personality; Spiritualism; Isis, the great mother; Phenomenal relationships between the Sun and Earth; The pluralism of religions; Clairvoyance and inner vision; Romeo and Juliet; The solar system and the planets; The meat-free diets or poor. -
August September October November 2006
Colors printed on quality paper.Contents: Editorial: The duty of knowledge; The sword of St. Galgano; The inseparability of action and reaction; Meditation; The truth will set you free, lies believers; Asclepius and dream healing of ancient Greece; Nutrition and health; Sickness and healing from the astrological point of view.