Storia dei RosaCroce
The book summarizes the birth of the Rosicrucian Order Rosicrucian manifestos based on the “Fraternitatis Fama” and “Confessio Fraternitatis,” and explains how mysterious this Order also acts in the world today.
Prodotti Correlati
Mysteries of Initiation
The book presents the result of serious research on the life of Carl Louis Fredrik Grasshoff, who once moved to America changed its name to Max Heindel.
After passing a test, he was given the task of dissemination of the Rosicrucian Teachings to the public.
The book follows him in the difficulties of creating the Rosicrucian Fellowship to spread the teachings received and to build a Center for Spiritual healing. -
The author has studied for years the Eastern and Western religions, and in this work clearly exposes his point of view and to refrain from controversies that tend to diminish the value, convinced that the religion of the East and for those who live there, the Christian religion as it is; for Westerners.
Some, driven by the impulses of the heart, are believers in the faith; others will become after careful study and quiet reflection. The author addresses the one and the other, tracing a long cultural tour in the company of the great masters of Western thought and spirituality, in search of the Angel, its origins, its nature and its relationship with the man, with the universe and with God
Taking the value of religious myth, the work comments on the most beautiful pages of classical Greek literature and philosophy and those of biblical scripture, with extraordinary evocative power, as well as writings on Islamic angelology and the paleo-Christian, Catholic and the Protestant, the kabbalist and Rosicrucian, still imbued with intense and sacred energy.
Therefore needs a book inspired by rational but also a strong emotional impact, in which the research results, displayed with objectivity and in compliance with the sources, are often accompanied by feelings of awe and emotion. -
The beautiful allegorical paintings created by Johfra hide in their charming and mysterious beauty, the profound truth hidden symbols and explained with the ancient language of modern psychology and tarot, making this volume a book very appealing.
The book provides an overview on the studies and research carried out by students of the ethers Rosicrucians. The occult knowledge of the past are compared with the findings of science to show the many points of agreement and mutual interactions. The volume thus offers a first approach for those who, more and more, they want to acquire the rudiments of etheric vision, a common feature of all humanity in the future Aquarian Age.